Heavy Vehicle Simulator International Alliance (HVSIA) Meeting
August 11-13, 2014
Florida Department of Transportation, State Materials Office
Heavy Vehicle Simulator Internacional Alliance (HVSIA) annual meeting is being held in Gainesville, Florida. Until now, Its been a great meeting with participation of the most of HVSs operators that perform research all over the world in this topic: South Africa, UC Davis, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), LanammeUCR, FDOT and US Corps of Engineers. Also, new devices owners explained their plans: Saudi Arabia, VDOT and Mexico. Input also has been given on the status of the experiments performed in India and China. Additionally, news regarding the delivery of the device of Indonesia was provided. On August 11th the Dynatest production plant in Jacksonville was visited to know the construction process and the machines for Mexico, South Korea and VDOT were seen.
To the Costarican APT program, this meeting is the most important source of knowledge to shape up our first set of experiments since the presentations are excellent and all the participants always are willing to share their experiences, and help improving the experiment.
Various workshops have been held:
- HVS Program Set Up Needs from A to Z: facilities, support equipment, staffing, operation, budgets, etc.
- Use of HVS Data to Calibrate/Verify ME Models and Analytical Methods
- Instrumentation: Trends, Advances, and Challenges
The meeting program is:
Heavy Vehicle Simulator International Alliance (HVSIA) Meeting
August 11-13, 2014
Florida Department of Transportation, State Materials Office
Meeting Agenda
Monday 11 August
08:30 – 8:45
08:45– 09:00
Welcome Note
Introduction to HVSIA
T Byron
L du Plessis
09:00 – 15:30
HVS Programs Updates - Owners & Operators
B Choubane
09:00 – 9:30
09:30 – 10:00
10:00 – 10:15
10:15 – 10:45
10:45 – 11:15
11:15 – 11:45
11:45 – 12:15
12:15 – 13:15
13:15 – 19:00
Site visit to Dynatest HVS manufacturing facility
J. Greene
J Gagnon
D Jones/J Harvey
L du Plessis
K Newman
L Loria-Salazar
R Briggs/
S Budricks
Tuesday 12 August 2014
08:00 – 10:15
08:00– 08:30
08:30– 09:00
09:00– 09:30
09:30– 09:45
10:00 – 10:15
10:15 – 10:30
10:30 – 12:00
12:00 – 13:15
13:15 – 15:00
15:00 – 15:15
HVS Programs Updates - Continue
Workshop 1:
HVS Program Set Up Needs from A to Z: facilities, support equipment, staffing, operation, budgets, etc.
Workshop 2:
Use of HVS Data to Calibrate/Verify ME Models and Analytical Methods
S Erlingsson
R Briggs
H Vaza/N Faizal
M Aazam
P Garnica
B Diefenderfer
D Jones
J Harvey/R Wu
15:15 – 17:00
Workshop 3:
Instrumentation: Trends, Advances, and Challenges
J Greene
Wednesday 13 2014
08:00– 09:00
09:00– 10:00
10:00 – 10:15
10:15 – 10:30
10:30 - 12:00
Executive Committee Meeting
(Agenda to follow under separate cover)
HVS machine: new and future enhancements?
HVSIA website
Wrap-up and Future Plans
B. Choubane
S Budricks
L du Plessis
B Choubane